Watch TWO DEGREESS THE SERIES on Brick TV (use code GILLIARD007)

Carl Gilliard is a Hollywood actor who’s widely known, but far from FAMOUS. TWO DEGREES is a digital series that takes a comical dive into the extremities and dramatic turns of an actor who’s been on the ‘come up’ for decades. The series premieres on YouTube and other outlets, April 20, 2020. Now on BrickTV.

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TWO DEGREES unisex t-shirt$22.50 – $25.50
TWO DEGREES THE SERIES stainless steel water bottle$28.00
TWO DEGREES THE SERIES stainless steel water bottle$28.00
TWO DEGREES THE SERIES mug$14.50 – $17.50
TWO DEGREES THE SERIES mug$14.50 – $17.50
TWO DEGREES THE SERIES v-neck t-shirt$22.50 – $24.50
TWO DEGREES THE SERIES unisex t-shirt$18.90 – $22.99
TWO DEGREES THE SERIES v-neck t-shirt$22.50 – $24.50
TWO DEGREES THE SERIES unisex t-shirt$18.99 – $22.99